@extends('layouts.app') @section('content')
{{__('Business Settings')}}
{{__('Withdraw Setup')}}
{{__('Withdrawal Notes')}}

{{__('Minimum Withdrawal Amount')}}:

  • Enter the minimum amount that can be withdrawn. This value must be a numerical figure.
  • Example: If the minimum withdrawal amount is set to $10, users cannot withdraw any amount less than $10.

{{__('Maximum Withdrawal Amount')}}:

  • Enter the maximum amount that can be withdrawn at a time. This value must be a numerical figure.
  • Example: If the maximum withdrawal amount is set to $1,000, users cannot withdraw more than $1,000 in a single transaction.

{{__('Minimum Days Between Withdrawal Requests')}}:

  • Specify the minimum number of days required between withdrawal requests. This value should be an integer.
  • Example: If set to 7 days, after a seller sends a withdrawal request, they must wait at least 7 days before sending another request.
@endsection @push('scripts') @endpush