@extends('layouts.app') @section('content')

{{ __('Firebase Notification') }}

Step 1

Login to your firebase account


  • First of all, login to your firebase account.
  • Then, create a new project in firebase or select an existing project.
  • Then, go to project settings.

Step 2

Generate new private key


  • Go to Service account in project settings."
  • Click on Generate new private key button.
  • Then, click on Generate key button.

Step 3

Upload firebase Credential


  • Select or drag and drop your generate private key file here.
  • Then, click on Upload button.
@hasPermission('admin.firebase.update') @if ($hasConfig)

{{ __('Firebase Configuration Completed') }}

{{ __('You already have a Firebase configuration file uploaded.') }}

{{ __('Download JSON File') }}

{{ __('Select generated Json File') }}

{{ __('Drop file here or click to upload') }}

{{ $message }}

@endsection @push('css') @endpush @push('scripts') @endpush